
Innovation Training + Change Management

Banco do Nordeste

How to implement a service innovation to reduce consumer complaints in a change-avert traditional organization with no innovation culture?


Consumer Services had detected a rapid increase in complaints against the bank’s credit approval process. Clients considered it slow and bureaucratic. But there were many internal resistances against process changes. How to align and commit employees for the change?



Read a complaint report is totally different from interacting directly with a customer externalizing her/his frustrating experience. One of the activities in our Creative Marathon was to place 40 bank executives in direct contact with real bank consumers.

Following this, the bank’s board members and selected collaborators from functional areas went thrugh 3 days of creative sessions to generate solutions for the real problem. Four parallel projects were developed, edited and simplified The solutions created addressed both the clients’ needs and the operating capacity of the institution. At the end, they were merged into one sigle feasible and viable project.

“BNB’s Creathon exceeded all stakeholder expectations. It is very gratifying to watch the participants’ presentations on the last day and see each other’s eyes shine, making sure we are in the right direction and the value we deliver to our client.”
Fernanda Veras and Carlos Eduardo Siqueira Gaspar
Coordinators, respectively, for the IFA7 and the Strategic Innovation Management Project and the Banco do Nordeste.

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