We believe that only continuous innovation leads to sustainable profitable growth
Business Innovation
We help our clients deploy their resources in two simultaneous focuses:
Collaborative Intelligence
Mental Models
6 mindsets applied to all processes
How it works
Manage the present
Create the future
Client testimonials
“The real difficulty would be to generate the right people's emotions… It is not enough to have the best production, distribution and delivery processes. The magic of experience was yet to be conquered. Beer consumption in bars should be turned into a cultural entertainment channel. Strategic projects are always a risk, but if we want to build a strong brand, we need to risk investing in new intelligence."
João M. Castro Neves
Former AmBev CEO
(CEO Anheuser-Busch InBev, Partner at 3G Capital)
“In the process, our Marketing, Sales and Industrial Technology professionals teamed up with suppliers to form a creative and strategic group. We thank those who helped us lead this process effectively. We hope that, increasingly, innovation and sustainability processes will become a constant in the development of a better future. ”
Carlos Aníbal Almeida
Executive Director – Marketing and Sales, Suzano Pulp and Paper S.A.. Testimonial in the book After all, what is design thinking?
“It was an invitation to imagination, turned into an enterprise, with a business model and management structure. A number of strategies were reflected in the project. The result is extraordinary and far surpassed what Ibmec expected when we have started the process."
Fernando Schuler
PhD in Philosophy and Master in Political Science, Curator of the “Frontiers of Thought” Project and Director of Ibmec Rio
“The results generated by this action, allow us to conclude that the first objective has been clearly achieved in view of the positive impact and responsiveness to the participants, as well as the full job they have done. Some of the participants informed us that the energy they took from this action has already brought practical results to their professional activity.% 22
Rosário Daugbjerg
Manager of Cria Cascais movement, at the City Council, and Technician at the GAIN Innovation Office
“The b-think team has prepared growth avenues for Saraiva, to be ready to act as soon as our funding issue is resolved.% 22
Gustavo Wigman
Innovation Director at Saraiva Bookstores
% 22B-think's differential was to identify the vocation of each station through User Experience, proposing customized business plans for each one individually. Implemented, these business models will maximize user traction and consequently the full value of the operation"
José Gustavo de Souza Costa
Investor and former CEO at SuperVia and Metrô Rio
% 22The work we have done with these professionals has been paramount in achieving the goal of successfully developing and implementing the Electronic Judicial Process project in 100% of the State Courts in all 165 counties of our State.% 22
Ademir Milton Piccoli
Manager of the Process Virtualization Program at the Rio Grande do Sul State Court of Justice, Director at SUCESU RS and President at PROCERGS
“Developing the concept of design thinking has become not only a pleasant surprise but a tremendous discovery of a highly creative and powerful process that can change the way we think about our business. I commend it to every manager aware of his transforming mission. ”
Antonio Assad
Regional Risk Manager, TechnipFMC
% 22BNB's Creathon exceeded all stakeholder expectations. It is very gratifying to watch the participants' presentations on the last day and see the sparkle in each other's eyes, reassuring us that we are in the right direction and the value we deliver to our clients.% 22
Fernanda Veras
IFA7 Coordinator, and Carlos Eduardo Siqueira Gaspar, Strategic Project Coordinator of Innovation Management at Banco do Nordeste
“Creathon was a ride for pleasure and joy… It is an innovative technique of finding creative answers and integrating your own team. At the end of it, we had a full plan. ”
Luciana Dummar
President at the O POVO Communication Group.
“For me, you have two competitive advantages: 1) A unique bridge between strategic intelligence and practical project execution. A very deep process that no one I know does; 2) You deliver a full solution to the implementation. Beyond knowledge, you do your research and always come back to me with an innovative solution.% 22
Patrícia Bittar
Trade Marketing Manager & Shopper Intelligence Coordinator
Expertises and tools developed to bring results through innovation. Applied individually or combined, depending on the project – for managing the present or creating the future.
How to identify the opportunities that will the backbone for your business sustainable innovations.
Decision-Making Workshops
How to generate rapid immersion workshops to assess challenges and develop viable avenues for final decision making.
Innovate or die – how to coordinate the emerging pressure with the need for disruptive and incremental innovation programs.
Delaying change only brings anxiety and loss. Generating innovation is hard work, but it promotes team alignment and a strong sense of commitment.
The future of your business must be represented by the current narrative of your branding. International partnership: Equador / Europe
How to leverage user knowledge to improve the UX, optimize business performance and maximize ROI. Partnership Enfoque Research.
How to improve the efficiency of retail operation by in-depth shopper analysis, opportunities identification and prototyping generation
What cannot be identified and measured cannot be innovated: quick and low-cost analysis for identifying performance gaps and opportunity gaps.
Eight out of ten CEOs say they need to change their companies’ business models. Can your business model become obsolete?
How to solve complex problems with your current team, some experts and a creative group. It is fast and it works!
Innovative Business Solutions
Strategic showcase for sustainable solutions developed by T-Bhink, committed to organizations and their customers.
Carvalho Hosken
Opportunity Mapping
RTM Brasil
Competitive and Sustainable Business Models
Viva Gol
B-Compass Analytics: Prototyping and Metrics
Consulting teams in the United States, Brazil and Portugal.